Church members began to grow weary from the weekly setup and tear-down requirements of its temporary facility. It was important to the congregation to build as soon as possible.
The church purchased its property at the height of the real estate boom. By the time they were ready to build, there was an economic downturn that affected, among other things, lending guidelines. Getting a loan for construction and permanent financing was a real threat to their ability to build their new church home.
There were no city services to the property, (i.e., water, sewer) and this added a significant expense to the overall project.
"CDS helped us strategize and conform the campaign to fit our church's culture while constantly encouraging us to press on toward the mark and have faith in God and the process. Without hesitation, I highly recommend this man of God to any church considering a stewardship campaign."
- Bob Thomas, Senior Pastor, Church of the Harvest
How CDS helped...
CDS performed an internal Feasibility Study to determine the viability of the project and what the church could afford.
Knowing from our study what was necessary, CDS began looking at property options. We discovered that the owner of 10 acres across the street had city services and was willing to sell. At the same time, there was a buyer interested in purchasing the church's existing 8-acre property. CDS was given an acre of the new property as part of the fee and later gifted the property back to the church.
Once the property issues were satisfied, we proceeded to design the facility based on ministry needs. We managed their capital campaign, arranged financing and built their facility.
Church of the Harvest has more than doubled in size since entering its new building.